International Conference on Information Technology Applications and Systems (ICITAS), ICITAS2018

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Building Network Infrastructure and E-Hospital Using Cloud Computing
norma ningsih, Teguh Sutanto, Anjik Sukmaaji

Last modified: 2018-05-11


-The use of internet technology continues to increase, not least for the health world. Ease of access to information of a hospital is needed by people who want to do both emergency and periodic checks, one of which is the registration process and schedule information doctors at the hospital. In addition, easy access to information by doctors who do to know the history of patients who are treated is also very necessary. the existence of cloud computing technology, the problem can be solved by making network infrastructure by using one of cloud computing service that is Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas). With this infrastructure, one hospital with another hospital can connect to each other use cloud computing network, with the help of VMWare virtualization technology and Network Attached Storage (NAS) data storage. In addition, Mobilebased E-Hospital Applications are made. On the server made database that contains information about the patient registration data, life history, schedule doctors And the diagnosis of the patient. . In terms of data security application is applied encryption and data decryption using Blowfish algorithm so that data delivery process that happened can be more secure. In the encryption process E-Hospital so The length of the key used does not affect the timing of the encryption and decryption process.super replica rolex
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Keywords : Cloud Computing, Android, Blowfish

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