Last modified: 2018-05-11
Hypertension is a disease of high blood pressure, and the occurrence of hypertension can cause changes in the small blood vessels of the retina, causing thickening of the walls in the hair and can narrow the blood vessels that can reduce the blood supply to the retina. In the process of diagnosis of hypertensive disease through the retinal vessels required a good algorithm to separate the blood vessels in the retina, making it easier to diagnose the process of hypertension. The segmentation in this study is to compare the retinal blood vessel segmentation by K-Means method and Fuzzy C means. The result of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio in obtaining average PSNR for K Means is 12,318,224 db and PSNR for fuzzy c means is 13,27424 db, PSNR value shows good segmentation process if value above 40db.
Keyword :K-Means, Fuzzy C Means, segmentasi