International Conference on Information Technology Applications and Systems (ICITAS), ICITAS2018

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Design of SLM IT Services on Academic Services in Higher Education
Erwin Sutomo

Last modified: 2018-05-11


Management of IT services needs to be done so that companies in all areas including higher education in order to improve their competitiveness, especially in providing quality services for stakeholders. The main process at higher education is the academic process. At the XYZ Institute the main academic process consists of regristrations, teaching and learning, and examinations. There are 4 major IT services to support the process: Single Sign-On, Cyber Campus, E-Learning, and Internet Connection. Currently IT service providers have not yet established the exact level of IT services provided. The purpose of this research is to formulate Service Level Management (SLM) to manage the IT services. Best practice ITIL is used as a reference for preparing SLM. The resulting SLM includes SLR, SLA, and OLA.

Keywords—SLM; IT Services; ITSM; ITIL; Higher Education

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