Last modified: 2018-05-11
Gkjw Waru’s website presents information related to Gkjw Waru's profile, worship schedule, daily devotional, children's reflection, weekly worship sermon summary, church internal news, church news, and activity gallery and others. This research purposes to evaluate the improvements variables for enticing citizens to use the websites gkjw waru. The evaluation method uses webqual 4.0. The variables evaluated are Usability Website, Service Interaction quality, Information quality, User satisfaction and Brand awareness. Data collection with questionnaire, the total of respondents is 135 people. The result is Usability Websites and Service Interaction quality website doesn't affect User satisfaction, and indirectly does not affect the attractiveness of the congregation to access the website. Information Quality has a positive effect on User Satisfaction, User Satisfaction has a positive effect on Awareness and Information Quality has an indirect effect on Awareness.
Keyword: Usability, service interaction, user satisfaction, awareness, webqual