Last modified: 2018-05-11
The chocolate industry becomes a very potential business both globally and in Indonesia because chocolate is the most popular snack product at globally by its current consumers and the next Indonesia is the third largest chocolate producer in the world today. it is appropriate for the creativepreuner to try look at this chocolate industry, and one of the important roles for increasing the sales of chocolate snack products is from packaging, so in this article will explain more about the strategy for designers in designing a packaging to help attract interest in consumer purchases, there are several attributes of design elements in the packaging ie the visual attributes: of color (color) and shape (shape) moderated by the design style can mainly influence the purchase intentions of the consument, here researchers tried to use design method with a combination of collective data from the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) then applied by applying the RDE (Rule Developing Experimentation) system that is developing the design with the help of technology based on the assessment of selected attributes of some existing alternatives. generated can be used as an evaluation in choosing a design.The data colletive results can be tried to apply the combination of elements in the process of designing a packaging chocolate and the expected results are in the form of packaging products based on the tastes or interests of consumers today. The results obtained are the design of packaging products in accordance with consumer expectations by using the latest design technology.
Keywords: Chocolate, Packaging Design, Design Element