Last modified: 2018-05-15
Abstract— Due to globalization, many business companies have implemented management information systems in an effort to improve the performance of the company in order to achieve high competitiveness. The effectiveness of the MIS impact to the business company performance. The DeLoneMcLean method is used as a model to measure the success of MIS usage in improving the performance of a business company. The DeLone-McLane model has six criteria which helps to understand the impact of MIS on both individual and company performance. This study is focused on review of DeLone-McLean IS success updated model, determine MIS usage adequately supports company goals, and evaluate MIS users quality of information, system and services. Based on the analysis of the Delone-Mclean model for IS success, this study shows that the users of business company agree to the success of MIS implementation. Among all construct in this study, information quality and system quality support well and meet the user’s need. The user satisfaction greatly impact to the net benefit or performance of business company. Thus, the DeLone-McLane model helps to understand the impact of MIS on both individual and company performance. The limitation of this study is the findings could be just spesific only to spesific business company.
Keywords—Management Information System; Performance of Business Company; DeLone-McLeon Model