Last modified: 2018-05-15
Abstract - This paper aims to analyze the framework of business models at private college namely Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya (Stikom Surabaya), using business model canvas. This research is a descriptive research with the qualitative approach. The researcher is a key instrument, data taking is done by purposive and snowball, data collecting technique with the method of triangulation (combination). The results of this study are customer segments of Stikom Surabaya consists of four segments, the value propositions is becoming a Technology-based College in Surabaya, the channels are media sosial, people’s laboratory, stikom school partnership program, information system solution application and stikom career center, the customer relationship are provide self service academic information media and programs such as Seminar / Workshop / Gathering Industry / Student Guardian Meeting conducted by all study programs, the revenue streams have two types, the key resources consists of four elements, the key activities has twelve main activities which are done regularly, the key partnership consists of many companies both domestic and abroad and the cost structure of Stikom Surabaya many issued to internal needs of the company.
Keywords - business model canvas, private higher education, framework business model.