Last modified: 2018-05-11
The objective of this research is to evaluate the students’ understanding on the concept of livestock agribusiness using application of Simulation of Agribusiness Concept of Livestock (SPEKTRUM). To build the application, the method used is Luther Models Multimedia Development Lifecycle. This method was chosen because it has been widely used to create similar learning applications To determine the degree of differences in students' understanding the material between before using the application and after using the application, the researchers add evaluation menu on SPEKTRUM application to assess the students’ final outcome. The evaluation menu in the application uses a multiple-choice question form. Test of evaluation menuwas conducted to 35 students of SMK Al Jauhar Ngawi. the total 35 students, the average value generated without using the application was 67.71. While the average value generated after the students use the application was 76.28. Thus, there is an increase in students’ score as much as 8.57 points compared to without using the application. Based on this result, it can be concluded that SPEKTRUM application can help to improve students learning outcomes in SMK Al Jauhar Ngawi.
Keywords: Evaluation, Simulation of Livestock Management, Agribusiness, Cattle.