International Conference on Information Technology Applications and Systems (ICITAS), ICITAS2018

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Content Analysis Television Program Featured with Title "Dunia Tanpa Batas" (Episode of Tiara Handicraft Embracing Persons with Disabilities With Social Entrepreneurs)
Novan Andrianto, Rike Verlita S., Fuad Amsyari

Last modified: 2018-05-11


Analyze media communications about feature television programs on human interest in the title World Without Borders with the episode theme Tiara Handycraft Embrace Persons with Disabilities Social Entrepreneurs. The approach of this research using qualitative approach with content analysis research method According to Berelson and Altheide, this research focuses on (1) to know the relation of the role of persons with disability in tiara handycraft in social entrepreneur world; (2) and to know the meaning of the content of the message contained in the program Unlimited World event with the theme episode Tiara Handycraft Embrace Persons with Disabilities Social Entrepreneur. The meanings obtained in this content analysis, the researchers get the results of the discussion in the form of a spirit to show to the general public, that people with disability is actually also able to produce works. Disability is depicted with figures with a myriad of accomplishments and expertise in the craft world so that the aim can inspire the people who watch it.

Kata Kunci : Television Events Program, Handicraft, Disability, Content Analysis

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