Last modified: 2018-05-15
Abstract - The development of internet technology allows communication and interaction between people with others around the world easily and cheaply. Business world, utilizing the internet for business development, by selling merchandise online or better known as e-Commerce. Business transactions online can be done easily and in a short time, therefore the company can press some costs to be incurred, one of them for the purpose of sending information. This fast transaction process can increase the productivity of the company. Within the last five years, the advancement of information and communication technology has been remarkable, with the advent of mobile communication devices (gadgets) that can be used for Internet access without having to open a computer. The easier the people in accessing the internet, the more ecommerce is emerging. In order for an e-commerce to survive in the competition and become a popular e-commerce, then an e-commerce must have information berkuaitas. This study examines comprehensively the effects of mobile technology, information quality, price of goods, and corporate integrity on online shopping interests. The results indicate that there is evidence that mobile technology makes it easy for consumers to access information, the price of goods offered, the quality of information conveyed, affects the high interest in on-line shopping.
Keywords—Mobile technology; Quality of information; Priceof goods; Corporate Integrity; on-line shopping.