Last modified: 2018-05-15
This research is intended to determine the influence of brand satisfaction, brand communication and brand trust toward brand loyalty of iPhone’s users and reveal the mediation effect of brand trust in the relationship between brand satisfaction and brand communication with brand loyalty. This study uses survey as the research method and the population observed in this study is the iPhone users in East Java, Indonesia. The sampling method in this research is purposive method with the total respondent of 123 iPhone users in East Java, Indonesia. The empirical findings of this study indicate that the objective of the present study was to develop and empirically reveal the determinant factors of brand loyalty. The determinant factors in this research are brand trust, brand satisfaction and brand communication proved that have positively and significantly effect to the existence of brand loyalty. The brand trust also have mediation effect to the relationship between brand satisfaction and brand communication with brand loyalty. In specific terms, the aim was to identify and assess the relevant antecedents to the brand loyalty of iPhone’s users. This study also has scientific and managerial implications. The application of the model to analyse attitude and behaviours of consumers to specific brands allow greater understanding of the decision making process of the consumers and can direct the managers.
Keywords—Brand Loyalty, Brand Communication, Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust