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Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya

June 3, 2018 – June 4, 2018

The 1st International Conference on Information Technology Applications & Systems (ICITAS) is an annual event that provides a forum for leading researchers, academicians, professionals, and students from various fields of Information Technology (IT), Business, and Design & Arts with cross-disciplinary working or interest in the IT applications and systems to share their newest research findings, experience, results, practical challenges and solutions. All honourable authors are mostly invited to contribute and shape the conference through submition of their original works. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers will be published in Scopus indexed journal.

ICITAS 2018 is organized by Institut of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya and technically supported by AsieEUniversity and Universitas Teknologi Nusantara. The conference will be held on February 3-4, 2018 at Stikom Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. It also offers opportunity to enjoy the heritage and the beauty of Surabaya and East Java.

Conference Homepage Image

Conference Information

Internationa Conference On Information Technology Application and Systems (ICITAS)