Scheduled Conference |
Title |
ICITAS2018 |
Science and Technology for Communities: Internet Utilization for Brand Rejuvenation of Al Qur’an Al Falah Institution |
Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto, Rudi Santoso, Abdullah Khoirriqoh |
ICITAS2018 |
Science And Technology For Communities: Marketing Strategic Development and Packaging Design for Kelompok Tani Elok Mekarsari Surabaya |
Candraningrat Candraningrat, Yosef Richo Adrianto, Januar Wibowo |
ICITAS2018 |
Science and Technology for Society: Electronic Game Device Implementation to Train the Memories of Kids in Playing Group |
Weny Indah Kusumawati, Pauladie Susanto, Musayyanah Musayyanah |
ICITAS2018 |
Sentiment Classification of Microblogging in Indonesia Airline Services using Support Vector Machine |
Tien Rahayu Tulili |
ICITAS2018 |
Sentiment Classification of Microblogging in Indonesia Airline Services using Support Vector Machine |
Tien Rahayu Tulili, Muhammad Farman Andrijasa |
ICITAS2018 |
Song Arrangement can You Feel the Love Tonight Using Sibelius on Movie Soundtrack “the Lion King” |
Yunanto Tri Laksono |
ICITAS2018 |
The Analysis of Service Quality at Academic And Student Affairs Department (Asa Department) Institute of Business And Informatics Stikom Surabaya |
Sulistiowati Sulistiowati, Henry Bambang Setyawan, Tutut Wurijanto |
ICITAS2018 |
The Comparation of The Duration of Five Software to Restore The Operating System |
Achmad Arrosyidi, Edo Yonatan Koentjoro |
ICITAS2018 |
The Effect of Big Five Personality on Lectures and Employee's Performance |
Sri Suhandiah, Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas, Oktaviani Oktaviani |
ICITAS2018 |
The Effect of Motivation and The Work Environment to Competence and Performance of Lecturers at One of Higher School in Surabaya |
Rahayu Arya Shintawati |
ICITAS2018 |
The Influence of Brand Trust, Brand Communication and Brand Satisfaction toward Brand Loyalty for iPhone’s Customer in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia |
Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto |
ICITAS2018 |
The Management of Online-Based Supply of Goods at PT Indoberka Investama |
Mochammad Arifin, Marya Mujayana |
ICITAS2018 |
Twitter Mining to Explore Perceptions of Tourism Objects in Indonesia: A case study of Borobudur and Prambanan Temple |
Valentinus Roby Hananto |
ICITAS2018 |
User Evaluation GKJW Waru’s Website for Improving Brand Awarenes |
Siswo Martono, Florens Debora Patricia |
ICITAS2018 |
User Experience Evaluation in using Web-Based Learning Planning Application |
tri sagirani, Puspita Katikasari, Nunuk Wahyuningtyas |
ICITAS2018 |
Utilizing ADDIE Model for Developing Brilian, Learning Application in Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya, Indonesia |
Bambang Hariadi, M.J. Dewiyani Sunarto, Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas |
26 - 41 of 41 Items |
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